Förlåt. Förlåtförlåtförlåt.

Jag hatar den här sommaren. Av flera anledningar, men en är vädret. Nu vill jag bara att den ska ta slut, så det kan bli höst och kallt och regn när det ska vara regn och mörkt och tillåtet att vara ledsen.
It's been a tough time for you
But I've never seen you cry
The last time that I saw you
I never got to say goodbye
You're the reason I am living
And to you I owe a lot
And I'm happy for what you've given
You're everything I've got
You're everything I've got
I haven't done much for you
And I'm afraid I never will
Didn't tell you that I'm sorry
For the part of you I killed
You're the reason I am living
And to you I owe a lot
And I'm happy for what you've given
You're everything I've got
You're everything I've got
There were times when I did hate you
And I wished that you were dead
But I tried to valuate you
And see the good in you instead
You're the reason I am living
And to you I owe a lot
And I'm happy for what you've given
You're everything I've got
You're everything I've got
Oh I miss you
I always will
I love you still, brother
Oh I miss you
I always will
I love you still, brother